How To See What Other Users Like On Facebook 2024 Guide
February 7th, 2024 by Terri Pinyerd

You can access a list of pages or profiles that your Facebook friends have Liked on Facebook, or what a public Facebook profile has liked, by following the steps below...


On Desktop


Navigate to the profile page of your choice.


Beneath the user's cover photo, click More


facebook desktop more likes


Click Likes


facebook likes menu desktop


From here you will be able to see a list of all the liked pages on your friend's profile including music, public figures, events, shows, movies, as well as apps and games.


To filter by a specific category click More again and choose the category.


On Mobile


Navigate to the profile page of your choice.


Tap the arrow to the right of the user's name to open their About page or tap See __ About Info beneath their bio section.


facebook see about info


Scroll down to the Likes section and tap See All.


facebook see all likes mobile


From here you can see the full list of your friend's liked pages.


How Can I See Which Posts Someone Likes On Facebook?


While the instructions above can help you view all the pages someone has liked, the only way to see all the photos or Facebook status posts that someone has liked is either:


  • through the news feed
  • from their timeline
  • by using the search bar.


However, that's only if they have their timeline settings set to Public or Friends. Some users may only show certain engagement activities in their timeline, for example Life Events or profile picture updates.


Recent activity such as recent likes, tags, posts, comments, or events attended can be viewed by searching up the specific users in the search bar on either desktop or mobile.


The filter will be set to All by default. From here, scroll down and you will see all the posts that user has been tagged in, as well as any public posts they have liked or commented on.


Keep in mind that this may not include all activity - if your friend commented on the profile of another friend who you don't follow, their privacy settings may prevent the post from appearing using this method.


These posts are also not always chronological, so if you have a specific date in mind you might need to scroll for a while.


Is There A Likes Page On Facebook?


While you can view your own profile's activity log - which includes any likes, comments, or events you've engaged with - there is no dedicated likes page to show what another person on the platform has been interacting with.


Are There Third Party Apps To Show Friends Activity?


While there may be third party apps that show your friend's recent activity such as likes or comments, tread with caution.


Not only are many of these apps a violation of Facebook's privacy policy, but they are often invasive and can compromise your account security as well as the person who you are searching up.

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